About us

The mission.

Maximize uptime for our customers in the communities we serve.

A singular vision.

We aim to provide an unparalleled experience through high-performing employees, operational excellence, and digital innovation.


Service that’s above, beyond, and leaves an impression.

There’s an expert and then there’s expertise. We know the difference and have the latter to spare.

Ziegler about

Yes, we have that.

Whether it’s new or used construction or agriculture equipment, generations, solar arrays, or sustainability fueled commercial vehicles, our lineup of products has exactly what you need.

Good enough is never good enough.

We always aim to improve and streamline our unparalleled service.

Consider us the reserve squad.

Needing something short-term for a one-time project or just an extra push for part of the season? Rental is an excellent option.

Bringing your future into focus.

If you’re not sure what you might need or even when, no problem. Set up a consultation and we’d be happy to talk you through it.

Ziegler equipment history


Another American success story: The History of Ziegler.

Since 1914, we have moved forward anticipating our only constant will be change. A quaint notion 110 years later, maybe, and something many companies claim, but we’ve always followed our own path — and it’s hardly been the one of least resistance.

From building Depression-era dams, to helping send iron ore country-wide to steel mills in the assistance of our World War II efforts, to being a part of the construction of the Midwest’s interstate highways, we’re more than just a business, we’re part of the fabric of the Upper Midwest.

Our values.

In all we do, we’re guided by our core values.


In our line of work, putting the customer at the center of what we do means putting safety first — every time, without exception. It’s the first step in gaining our customers’ trust.


A trait that is deeply ingrained in us and shows in everything we do. No short cuts, with everyone getting a full-service experience every time.


Everyone says it, but we walk the walk. A thorough job done right the first time, providing an exceptional customer experience at every opportunity we’re provided.

Continuous innovation

“The way it’s always been done” has its place but isn’t always the best way to succeed. We respect how we got here, but never stop looking for ways to improve the experience for everyone involved.

Customer focus

Without it, we’d be nowhere. We keep you at the forefront of every decision, each and every day and are proud to do so.


It should probably go without saying, but we feel like it’s important enough to mention. We wouldn’t exist without it, and it’s a top priority for us every day.

Meet our leaders.

Just like the generations of leaders before them, we are guided by a team of experts who continue to move our pursuit of excellence forward.
William Hoeft

Chairman & CEO

William L. Hoeft

William Hoeft


William M. Hoeft

Greg Trettel

Chief Financial Officer

Gary Trettel

Jeff Drake

Chief Operating Officer

Jeff Drake

Ann LaPorte

Vice President, Human Resources

Ann LaPorte

Jason Syverson

Vice President, Finance

Jason Syverson

Brad Sewell

Vice President, Product Support

Brad Sewell

Chris Rice

Vice President, Sales

Chris Rice

Matt Solem

Vice President, Ziegler Ag Equipment

Matt Solem

Jason Syverson

Vice President, Power Systems

Jesse Keene


We take pride in our partnerships.

We’re active with people in our surrounding communities who are on the lookout to make an impact now and in the future. That’s why we work with like-minded groups including community partners, leading manufacturers, and professional associations.

Ziegler careers